CBSE Class 4 – Mittsure

Digital Lessons

Computer World Ch. 1 - Generations of computer

Computer World Ch. 2 - Computer Memory & Its Types

English Grammar Ch. 1 (Explanation) - The Sentences

English Grammar Ch. 1 (Animation) - The Sentences

English Grammar Ch. 1 (Exercise) - The Sentences

English Reader Ch. 2 (Explanation) - Kabuliwala

English Reader Ch. 2 (Animation) - Kabuliwala

English Reader Ch. 2 (Exercise) - Kabuliwala

EVS Ch. 1 (Explanation) - Our Extended Family

EVS Ch. 1 (Animation) - Our Extended Family

EVS Ch. 1 (Exercise) - Our Extended Family

GK Ch. 1 - Juicy Fruits

GK Ch. 2 - Aquatic Plants

GK Ch. 3 - Insectivorous Plants

हिंदी पाठ 1(पाठ व्याख्या) - प्रकृति कहती है

हिंदी पाठ 1 (एनीमेशन) - प्रकृति कहती है

हिंदी पाठ 1 (अभ्यास) - प्रकृति कहती है

हिंदी व्याकरण पाठ 1 (पाठ व्याख्या) - भाषा, लिपि और व्याकरण

हिंदी व्याकरण पाठ 1 (एनीमेशन) - भाषा, लिपि और व्याकरण

हिंदी व्याकरण पाठ 1 (अभ्यास) - भाषा, लिपि और व्याकरण

Mathematics Ch. 1 (Explanation) Part I - Large Numbers

Mathematics Ch. 1 (Animation) Part I - Large Numbers

Mathematics Ch. 1 (Exercise) Part I - Large Numbers

Moral Values Ch. 1 - Gopi and His Son

Moral Values Ch. 2 - The Magic Pot

Junior Artist Page 3 - Water Lily

Junior Artist Page 4 - Flowers