Mittsure One Stop Solution for a next-gen digital education system Wed, 12 Oct 2022 09:10:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mittsure 32 32 Why discovery learning makes sense in eLearning and the role of content Wed, 12 Oct 2022 09:10:06 +0000 Discovery learning is one of the methods or techniques that support constructive education as this promotes self-directed learning. In this learning, the students actively involve themselves in learning about things on their own. This type of learning is practised in schools and colleges where the teachers ask the students to search and find information. As a result, the students are engaged, and their curiosity about finding the unknown increases.

According to Kolb’s experiential learning theory, some people learn by doing things. The learners are responsible for their learning. Discovery learning is a technique that is suitable for these types of experiential learners.

eLearning is also one of the formal learning methods, but this learning happens with the help of electronic resources such as the internet. eLearning is where the students can learn on their own. On taking a closer look at this, it could be seen that eLearning is where the students are responsible for their learning. Read about this somewhere? Yes, read the first paragraph again.

Discovery learning is a concept that serves as a base for eLearning. Discovery learning thus makes sense in eLearning. This eLearning was initially not recognised as a valuable tool for knowledge sharing, but, currently, the pandemic has facilitated the growth of this eLearning. Every student has experienced eLearning.

Still wondering how discovery learning is related to eLearning. Some examples would help clarify this.

For instance, in a classroom or an eLearning environment, a tutor might ask the students to search for information that is not available in their course textbooks. This is where the students are pushed towards discovery learning. The students are accustomed to using online for obtaining information. As a result, they search for information using the internet because finding it online is much easier than searching for information from a book (eLearning). Also, finding information online saves time.

Appropriate content should be available to satisfy the educational needs of the students. On considering the above scenario where the students search for information online, content plays a vital role in imparting knowledge by providing right content. Hence, content thereby facilitates discovery learning.

Discovery learning is not process-oriented, it is content-oriented. Different methods are used to promote discovery learning, such as assigning case studies, simulation, problem-based scenarios, group work and many more. Content is king regardless of the type of learning being used or the method used for facilitating discovery learning.

In a school or college environment, providing timely feedback on discovery learning is important for aiding in the development and growth of the students.

Discovery learning is important, and it is more closely related to eLearning. There are numerous ways in which discovery learning is incorporated into eLearning. People should acknowledge that discovery learning could be successful by empowering experiential learners to seek knowledge or information by themselves by using eLearning. Promoting discovery learning in students would trigger their interest and motivate them to learn and be more engaged with a subject. 

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Small changes you can make to your daily routine for a balanced lifestyle Wed, 12 Oct 2022 09:07:18 +0000 A balanced lifestyle is achieving optimum in all aspects of one’s life, such as emotions, health, fitness, study/work and relationships. A balanced lifestyle is important in the current fast-paced world to ensure physical and mental well-being.

Building a balanced lifestyle depends on the daily routine one follows. One could lead a balanced lifestyle by making small changes in daily routine.

Still wondering which is the best way to lead a balanced lifestyle. There is no one size fits all approach. Everyone’s physical and mental health differs, and there are different ways in which one could lead a balanced life. The factors listed in the article are general tips one could follow to lead a balanced lifestyle.

Here are some topics for leading a balanced life. Read on to learn about it.

Physical exercise

Physical exercises help one to keep fit and improve physical health. Hence, doing physical exercises should be part of everyone’s daily routine. To stay fit and healthy, one could do different kinds of exercises such as walking, jogging, weightlifting, yoga and many more.

Time management

Time management allows one to be organised. For students and working professionals, nearly 8 to 10 hours a day are spent in the office or school. The remainder of the time should be well-planned to accommodate tasks such as sleeping, studying, eating, physical exercise and many more.

Eating habit

Eating right is also essential to leading a healthy life and it provides the energy to perform tasks at hand. Eating right does not just mean eating in the right proportion or on time; it is more than that. Consuming healthy and nutritious foods are essential.


Sleep is closely linked to physical and mental health, and studies substantiate this fact. It is important to maintain a regular pattern of sleep. That is, one should go to bed at the same time every night. Also, a good 7 hours of sleep is essential for having a brighter day.


Being self-aware is essential. If one experiences stress, anxiety, depression, or any emotion, the individual should be able to recognise it. For instance, stress is one of the factors that affect mental health. On recognising it, an individual should take steps to overcome the stress.

Physical health

Physical health is important. If one is unhealthy, one cannot accomplish any set goals. Hence, it is imperative for individuals to go in for health check-ups to diagnose any health issues. Also, the doctor’s advice on a diet plan and physical exercise that suits one’s body could be obtained.

Everyone has different lifestyles, and it is important to attain a balance. Leading a balanced lifestyle not only helps in improving physical and mental health but also helps one lead a productive and happy life. Hence, the significance of leading a balanced life should be taught to children at an early age, and they should be encouraged to practice the same.

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Learning process: Online Vs Traditional Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:58:57 +0000 The debate between online learning versus traditional education continues to take the centre stage each passing year. During the pandemic online teaching emerged as the only relevant option to impart education. Instantaneously all the learning activities had to take place online, including employees in many countries switched to work from home. But is it a viable substitute for traditional learning? Let’s take a look at various aspects of Online Vs Traditional learning and compare.

Online Learning

Online Learning also known as electronic learning takes place over the internet, means learning with a Digital Platform and not in a traditional classroom. It’s interchangeable with the term “E-learning” or “Distance Learning” learning that takes place across distance, without going anywhere. Typically, LMS stores the training content, which is accessible anywhere and anytime. Online Learning gives the opportunity to learn from the best professionals or teachers of a particular subject or stream. Online learning offers ease and flexibility to both students and teachers.

Traditional Learning

Traditional classroom learning has been in existence since ancient times. Traditional learning takes place in a classroom setting. It requires a physical infrastructure setup with students being instructed by a teacher. Teacher moderates and regulates the flow of information and knowledge, students must be physically present if they want to get education, if not the student may miss the topic taught by the teacher in that class/lecture. Traditional classroom learning is more suitable for young children, teenagers, and young adolescents. Since it helps in imparting discipline, following a regular schedule, and interacting with students of their own age.

Comparing online Vs. traditional learning


Infrastructure Mode of education Flexibility

Learning style and pace

Source of information and knowledge Interaction

Online Learning

Minimum dependency It happens online

Absolute (anytime, anyplace)

Supports an independent learning or group learning virtually and at a flexible pace
Primary source of information is E- content resources

Limited interaction Cost-effective

Traditional Learning

Maximum dependency It happens offline

Minimum (restrained to a schedule and place)
Group learning through face-to-face direct interaction at an imposed pace

Primary source of information is the teacher or trainer

Extensive interaction between teachers and students
Comparatively expensive

Online and traditional learning way forward

It can’t be said that online learning is more effective than traditional education, or vice versa. In the debate of effectiveness no one wins. Since effectiveness depends on the learning topic and how it has been imparted. Mounting evidence suggests that learners generally learn as much as online as they do in traditional training.

The online learning process has the potential to get rid of the traditional education system, by getting unlimited access to knowledge across the globe without any infrastructural barrier. Online doubt resolution platforms enable students to connect with an expert to resolve their doubts instantly along with access to a rich repository of resources. One cannot simply ignore the benefits of online education, e-learning is a full-fledged alternative to traditional learning.

The traditional way of education provides practical knowledge of various subjects in the form of laboratories and field work. Traditional learning encourages individuals to be more social and proactive; since the whole learning process is in a controlled environment supervised by a teacher. While traditional training is fighting back by trying to adopt newer means of retaining learners’ interest. Mainly by adopting “Hybrid learning” a more integrated approach involving online and traditional learning processes, there are two sides of a coin going forward, choosing one over the other is too rigid.

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Interactive School Activities for Students Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:52:43 +0000 There are a lot of ways and methods to teach students. To attain knowledge students must participate in gathering information and processing it by problem solving and articulation. To connect with the lesson the best way to learn is through interactive classroom activities and not just memorizing facts or numbers. Interactive classroom activities help students to understand what they’re learning on a deeper, more integrated level and forgo one-way communication while getting them involved and engaged with the lessons or material.

Interactive classroom activities are all about instructing the students in a way they are actively involved with their learning process. There are different ways to create an involvement like this, the following activities are divided into categories:

Individual student activities:

Ask the winner

In this activity ask students silently to solve a question. Reveal the answer, instruct those who got it right to raise their hands (and keep them raised). The ones who got it incorrect must talk to someone with a raised hand to get a better understanding of the question and how to solve it next time.

Misconception check

Identify if students can put one’s finger on the correct answer, when given a false fact or statement. With this method you can discover students’ misconceptions when going over a previous lesson. It encourages students to think deeply and speculate all probabilities.

Student pair activities:

Think, pair, and share

Pair up students with problems or a question based around a certain topic or concept dealt in the class. Set time for students to discuss the problem and reach a proper conclusion. Students must voice out their conclusion. This way students will be engaged, communicate, and remember more of the lessons taught in class.

Peer review writing task

A great way to foster interactivity and collaboration in the classroom is with peer reviews which can be a great way to encourage students to help each other. Encourage students to exchange writing assignment drafts with a peer. The partner has to read the written assignment and must draft feedback covering the following points: strengths, weakness/ problem areas and finally pointers on what could be added or revised.

Student group activities:


Brainstorming process is useful for generating creative thoughts and ideas most effectively done in a group setting. Instead of thinking alone at their desk with whatever it is they’re learning, brainstorming sessions are a great way to bring students together to engage, learn and

work together. Moreover, students learn from each other and come up with surprisingly great ideas.

Movie Application

For this group activity make use of movies showing historical facts, geographical facts, biographies of famous people etc. Students will be split into groups and discuss concepts or events discussed in class which coincides in the movie. Also, identify what the movie got right or wrong and do a fact check.

Interactive game activities:

Tag, you are it (with words)

This activity will help students to be creative and stay focused. To start this activity the teacher will give a word to a student who must start talking about that word, thereafter the teacher will say stop randomly and the next student has to pick the last word that the previous student used and weave a story, think of a famous quote, phrase, poem or sing a song.

What am I

Create “what am I” puzzles based on the concepts and lessons that have been taught in class. Tape a term or name on the forehead or back of each student. Each student walks around the room, asking “yes or no” questions to the other students in an effort to guess the right answer.

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Interactive Methodology of E-learning Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:41:26 +0000 E-learning or online learning is an internet-based education that requires the use of electronic devices and Internet connectivity. E-learning is an advanced technology that plays a major role in the modern education system. Today, numerous e-learning courses are available on the internet from top universities and institutions. These online courses deliver thousands of solutions to improve your children’s performance and productivity.

Nowadays, e-learning is an integral part of the education and training system. In this technology, all the study materials or content are stored, searched, retrieved, and assembled to let your children learn at their own pace.  These e-learning contents are uploaded on the internet and can be accessed from anywhere and anytime across the globe. The new interactive way of learning mainly focuses on students who like to learn experientially, approach learning as problem-solving, and prefer to study at a time, speed, and place that is convenient for them.

As per research, the world has seen tremendous growth in adapting e-learning methodology in the learning system. This state-of-the-art e-learning technology not only provides real-time or just-in-time knowledge, but the individual learners can also trace the training costs as well as the costs that can then be calculated against the results. It is well known that e-learning is way better, faster, and cheaper than traditional learning. Online learning can be facilitated through Internet, intranets, extranets, interactive television, mobile network, satellite broadcast, audio/videotape, and CD-ROM.

Mobile Network –

In recent years, learning solutions and services have also been integrated into your smartphone gadgets. Mobile learning mainly targets the students who have no access to the internet and rural or remote areas where e-learning may not be as widespread. It also targets the working professionals, whose jobs require them to travel to various sites and locations, and certain students who require individual learning, on the move, and external projects.

Adaptive learning environments (ALEs) –

An adaptive learning environment gives the capability to track the users’ activities, requirements, and preferences. The growth in adapting e-learning technology could be successful because of the idea of individualized learning. An adaptive e-learning environment provides potential benefits to the students which cannot be achieved using traditional approaches.

Open-source applications for e-learning

Due to the massive adoption of e-learning methodology, many service providers are providing extensive developer communities and open source applications that are safe, secure, and cost-efficient. Built on open standards, these open source software applications ensure students access the best available applications for e-learning.

Initially, you may have to assist your children to follow the routine course of instructions. Post that, the children have the freedom to study at their own pace, and interest. The e-learning methodology helps to develop knowledge and comprehension skills, interpersonal skills as well as psychomotor skills in your children. They will also develop thinking and mental skills by applying different methods to solve various problems. Students are offered e-learning content according to their required objectives and are delivered through different media such as audio, video, text, and graphics. In the active learning process, when the students enjoy self-paced e-learning through the internet, the e-learning content providers can track learners’ actions in a central database.

With modern technologies, e-learning has paved the way for individual learners to higher education in a succinct. With the e-learning opportunities, students worldwide can reach their dreams, regardless of their marks, distinction, and previously obtained knowledge.

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Innovative Techniques and Methods of E-learning Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:38:11 +0000 Today, every generic mean has been effectively substituted for its digital counterparts. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the education system has been moved online to a large extent. Not only has the workforce adopted this advanced technology for its operation in the professional spectrum, but it also has a significant influence on the education system. As per recent research, the use of technology in education sectors has been immensely helpful in improving students’ academic performance. Though traditional classroom is still common, many educational institutions are stepping forward to welcome technologies. Using digital whiteboards, chrome books instead of textbooks, and flipped classrooms are some examples of embracing advanced technologies in education.

Inspiration is hard to find. It is even harder to be continuously creative. But many educational institutions and universities have accepted the technology of remote learning, especially teachers who have been trying to provide quality education to their students without compromising the teaching techniques.

The transformation of the traditional education system into a technological one has different advantages associated with it. This set of advantages has helped speed up the learning process and provide convenient individualized learning along with it.

Ethical learning process through virtual sessions

Adopting the new technology to set an ethical learning process, the teachers should set a blueprint for the students for a seamless session. The teachers need to plan the teaching sessions to keep up with the teaching pace as well as the syllabus. Structured learning sessions help students to know the prerequisite that is required for the lessons or the revision that needs to be completed before the session.

Encourage individualized learning

Individualized learning helps students to become proactive in their learning approach. It is essential in both offline and online classroom sessions. Self-regulated learning brings positivity and empowers students to develop lifelong learning skills by themselves.

Manage online platforms seamlessly

E-learning platform enables teachers to understand every aspect of modern technology such as contemporary teaching using the internet, plug-in devices, and the requisite skills to speed up their tasks. Teachers also need to learn different tools to conduct online exams, meetings, quizzes, and assignments. They need to learn and integrate new modern technologies based on the syllabus requirements. There are different methodologies applied to varying subjects like math, science, arts, and sports.

Learn the importance of Diagnostic assessment

The Covid-19 scenario has made teachers identify learning and understanding gaps of students through diagnostic assessment and suggesting some correction plans. The teachers and parents are both responsible for the student’s progress and ensure the online teaching sessions are as effective as traditional classroom teaching. Diagnostic assessment reduces the chances of re-teaching a subject once again when the school reopens.

Promote collaborative learning

Unlike physical classroom teaching, the students get to interact with each other through a virtual setup. E-learning helps promote teamwork by allotting specific time for students for group collaboration.

The adoption of e-learning has made teachers and students more responsible for building a better educational environment. The innovative techniques used in online teaching are seamlessly integrated into the teaching process so that online sessions are successfully delivered.

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Implementing the Socratic Method in Classrooms Tue, 13 Sep 2022 15:01:20 +0000 For centuries, to improve the learning outcomes of students, teachers have been implementing different teaching methods. There are various modus operandi teachers use to facilitate discussions and learning in a classroom. These experiments and the incorporation of various methodologies have enhanced the learning experience for students. One such philosophy educator must consider is the Socratic method, that can be implemented in the classroom to ensure students participation in the learning process.

The Socratic Method

The Socratic method is defined by Mariam Webster dictionary as: “the method of inquiry and instruction employed by Socrates especially as represented in the dialogues of Plato and consisting of a series of questionings the object of which is to elicit a clear and consistent expression of something supposed to be implicitly known by all rational beings”.

What is the Socratic Method?

The Socratic method was originally developed by the famous Greek philosopher Socrates, who stated “is better used to demonstrate complexity, difficulty, and uncertainty than to elicit facts about the world.”

This method is based on the principle of productive dialogue between teacher and students to enhance their knowledge of a subject or topic and not by just asking questions to the students. Both the parties are active participants in a dialogue that takes its own direction, dialogues are not a test of knowledge instead to shape the student’s views and opinions which are open-ended with no a predetermined goal.

Read on to understand how the Socratic method can be implemented in classrooms.

Give Time to Prepare

There’s truly no way to be prepared fully given the nature of the Socratic method. Inform your students in advance about the discussion that you are planning to organize so that students can prepare by completing all readings for every class. This will enable students to express their points in an intelligible way.

Present Briefs and Evidence

Encourage students to prepare briefs and notes for all cases, based on their research, in this way, they will be able to use those notes while answering the questions put forth by you. Students can prepare briefs including writing short summaries for each bullet and using coloured-coded highlighters to identify the components and support their arguments they are forwarding while answering the questions.

Divide into Groups

To facilitate learning through the Socratic method, divide the students into different groups. A group of students will be able to listen to the points put forth by the opponent group and accordingly bring their critical and analytical counterpoints to the front.

Formulate Creative Questions

To evoke interest and creative thought among students asking questions plays an important role in keeping a dialogue. Prepare some open-ended questions to spark a productive discussion in the classroom. Students are bound to think beyond a description of what they read or learned and explore more of why the topic matters or relates; this will increase the efficiency of the Socratic method in a classroom.

Now that you may have understood how to implement the Socratic method, let’s look at its benefits.

▪ Develop critical and analytical thinking skills: Critical thinking skills allow students to examine and investigate a learning concept beyond the fundamentals which help them to think outside the box. Students develop the skills to identify the weak points in an argument. Once they can analyse what makes an argument weak, thereafter can strategize the argument at a higher level.

▪ On-Your-Feet” thinking: The Socratic method is also used to help arouse curiosity in students. By making them think in different ways about various subjects, consider other points of view, and reframe and refine their own thinking with a more critical and wide-lens perspective. Students will have to prepare well in advance to answer the questions, involving a close reading process that requires a lot of research, study, and thinking. This makes learning a more participatory experience.

Today, the Socratic method is widely used in higher education such as medical and legal education to help students tap into more difficult concepts and principles.

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Ideas to Improve Learning in the Flow of Work Tue, 13 Sep 2022 14:55:51 +0000 What is Learning in The Flow of Work?

Learning in the flow of work involves quickly and easily accessing an answer to a question – or a piece of learning content– while working. The phrase was coined by Josh Bersin, Global Industry Analyst, and founder of Bersin by Deloitte. This enables employees to reap the actual value of a tool or process without disrupting their workflow and productivity.

Why Learning in The Flow of Work?

For ages, training programs have been conducted in a formal setting, using the traditional methods of classroom sessions and field activities. L&D of companies, organizations and businesses have come to the realization that learners are not learning and there is a lack of genuine interest much due to the formal nature of these sessions. These training programs are not able to achieve the intended learning curve outcomes since employees tend to forget what they learned within days. This also affects their daily productivity as it interrupts their daily work or tasks, overly lengthy training sessions which may not necessarily add value.

The primary aim of training should be about helping employees solve their day-to-day issues and then everything else. This is where learning in the flow of work comes into the picture. It’s about making learning a more relevant, embedded, and effective part of their daily work.

Ideas to Improve Learning in the Flow of Work

Employees will enjoy learning new things if the learning is impactful and curated to an individual’s day-to-day job.

Microlearning Solutions

Introduce microlearning courses which help employees in the hour of need. Microlearning provides employees with a learning experience that is both context-driven and bite-sized. Microlearning leads to more recall and retention since it helps learners to learn in the flow of their day, rather than stop what they are doing to attend an entire training session. Microlearning addresses 1-2 learning outcomes with short, personalised Q&A style learning interventions which could be easily completed within 2 minutes.

Make use of a microlearning platform or an LMS to provide these microlearning courses. Through microlearning platforms embed important skills and knowledge they need to grow in their roles while helping grow the company.

Tools And Technologies

Learning material/content should be easily accessible, this is where tools and technologies come into play. Learning in the flow of work will be a success if the appropriate tools, technologies, and platforms are used to trigger the learning curve. Web and mobile apps should be used for daily learning tasks. Not only does it make learning material easily accessible but also provides an integrated one stop solution from onboarding new hires to product training.

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, fast content indexing technologies, data integration interfaces, and big data consisting of structured and unstructured information can

accommodate intelligent and fast-paced learning. These tools and technologies put employees in charge of their own learning, which they can fit into their schedule.

Curated Content Development

The ideal strategy to support learning in the flow of work is to add value to a learner’s day. Add value by developing engaging and relevant digital learning resources that are aptly curated and to the point. Digital learning content must be carefully sourced, and its quality verified, thus L&D of companies, organizations and businesses should stay clear from YouTube and Google. Organizations should aim for maximum engagement through in-house production, such as off the shelf courses or video-based content keeping employees’ needs in mind. This content can be supplemented with in-person workshops, courses, and discussions.

About 49% of employees’ desire coaching from their managers. Through Manager Labs, managers can share management insights and expertise which would create curated social learning experiences voicing out questions and ideas. These interactions are curated with first-hand experience and expertise which is highly beneficial for employees’ creating a learning buzz at workplace.

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How To Take Care of Your Mental Health and Manage Academic Expectations Tue, 13 Sep 2022 14:53:11 +0000 During the Covid-19 pandemic, students across the globe have adopted a new way of studying through online classes and home-school setups. Online classes, online exams, and waiting for the results have confused many students about their futures. The new way of learning and managing academic expectations has come with its benefits and drawbacks. Mental health is one of such major drawbacks that students have to struggle with the most.

Being a student is exciting as well as a stressful job. So, mental well-being is an important issue among students whether they are in their first or final year.

Each student’s mental health impacts their learning and achievement. The state of mental health and awareness reflects the learning potential of a student, his coping capacity with normal stress, and connectivity with friends, society, and community.

Here are a few tips on how to look after the mental health of a student.

Feeling stressed? Talk about it.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the pressure of course curriculum, exams, and results on students is a lot to handle. One can easily feel apprehensive. If a student finds himself stressed or anxious, he should talk to someone about it and find ways to feel better about the situation! Along with the study, students also need to relax and do something to enjoy. That small relaxing time will help them feel positive and give them much-needed break from their studies.

Be active 

Practicing small exercises for 10 to 20 minutes keeps a student energetic throughout the day. It helps to relieve stress and anxiety. 10-minute YouTube Yoga Routine, jogging, skipping, or Zumba dance keeps the body active. According to reports, students who are engaged in aerobic or Yoga exercises experience improvements in their stress, anxiety, and mental health levels.

Get enough sleep

We know it is difficult, but trying to get seven or eight hours of sleep will benefit you massively. It is tougher to maintain your student life when you’re packed with project deadlines, revisions, notes, and all. Regular sleeping of seven to eight hours a day keeps your body and mind calm, and gives you a relaxing and stress-free “me” time.

Keep yourself grounded

It is quite difficult for students to keep their minds away from anxious thoughts and stress during exams or results. Thus, finding some mental exercises is a great way to stay away from those negative thoughts. Meditation is another way to keep you grounded and away from anxious spiraling.

Switch up your routine

A daily routine is great but following the same pattern, every day becomes boring. In the case of a student, it badly affects his/her mood. Therefore, instead of ignoring your routine, make a few changes to it. Plan a new study session with your friends or go for a walk with your family or siblings just for refreshment.

Ask for help

When it’s extreme, instead of dealing with the stress and anxiety alone, reach out for help. If you feel you’re not yourself, contact a local counselor or book an appointment with mental health support provided by your institution. Various organizations offer free counseling and online counseling services as well.

The learning stage of a student is difficult, but the students who are in colleges or universities face more difficulties to deal with the course syllabus and mental health. Though studying hard brings many opportunities and a better career in the future, it also creates stress. Therefore, they must find the perfect ways to help themselves succeed, while managing their mental health and wellbeing.

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How to Increase Student Engagement Using Digital Content Tue, 13 Sep 2022 14:42:59 +0000 The teaching and learning process has greatly evolved in recent years. Schools and institutions are adopting advanced technology to pass their knowledge to students. The shift towards a student-centered approach helps them track each student’s engagement and success rate. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic, students have faded from their studies and education. They have troubled attending continuing education classes and keeping up with the course or syllabus. Taking online classes should carry motivation and discipline to let the students study in isolation. The lack of face-to-face learning helps online students to give up on their focus and attention without anyone noticing.

According to several studies, using technology has also helped many students and educators to make learning effective. The study has found that students who attend online classes are more attentive and engaged than in the traditional classroom. Educational institutions have successfully integrated digital content into their teaching practices. Influencing students to adapt to technology and engage in their studies is not pretty straightforward.

Here are various ways to improve the students’ engagement using digital content:

The enjoyable and captivating learning process

The online learning process for students must be enjoyable and captivating. But a student has to develop his inner strength and willpower to relish the learning process. Deep engagement in learning is very much essential for a student to understand concepts and strategies in a better way. The educators should present compelling lessons to the students, making the topics more fascinating.

When students get interested in attending a class session, they develop various skills that are useful to accomplish their future endeavors. These skill sets assist them to stay ahead in any competition and land their best professional career and development. For educators, the new digital content helps make necessary changes in their teaching styles, identify shortcomings, and self-analyze their pedagogical methodologies.

Audio-Visual content to increase learner engagement

The audio-visual content makes the classroom session more interactive and engaging and can have a long-lasting impact on students. In the traditional learning method, student-teacher interaction is not good enough as students passively listen to the lectures. Thus, leaving a long-lasting impact on students becomes a strenuous task for teachers. Audio-visual content relieves you from these difficulties and helps grab learners’ attention. The Digital content technique makes it easier for students to understand a variety of concepts. Video content is the most effective audio-visual content as it simplifies learning concepts, transforming complex ideas into understandable ones.

Practice Test

In conventional classroom coaching, it is compulsory to memorize all the facts and methods for a student as the same topic is hardly discussed in future sessions. But attending practice tests and clearing assessment is way more exciting because it promotes understanding of concepts rather than rote memorization. The practice test is an effective digital content that encourages students to brush up on their knowledge, stay ahead with the learning schedules and maximize their potential.

Text Content

Text content requires lots of research and hard work to be prepared. A planned text content makes the class more effective for students. Schools or educators provide access to text content beforehand to the students so that they can prepare for the lectures efficiently. When students attend any lectures, they most likely forget to take some notes. In such cases, text content distributed to them is of great help to them.

Adding digital content to the pedagogical methodologies can be very beneficial to the students and educators. Undoubtedly, integrating it into the learning process not only increases the students’ engagement but is also helpful to spark learning interest in students.

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