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Experiential Learning vs. Textbook Orientation

Experiential Learning vs. Textbook Orientation

The meaning of education and the way of teaching and learning has been changing from generation to generation. Today’s generation of students is quick learners who can remember more information when they learn a particular topic personally. The great Confucius said, “I hear, and I forget, I see, and I remember, I do, and I understand.”

Experiential learning is a process of learning by experiencing a real-world situation personally. This kind of learning engages learners in direct experience and focused reflection to increase their skills and clarify doubts.

Experiential learning also indicates learning through action, learning through discovery and exploration, and learning by doing. The drastic shift in the educational activity of various institutions and universities reflects the efficiency of teachers in acquiring and delivering teaching methods of online courses and hybrid formulas to delivering content or course material for lifelong learning, making it globally accessible.

Experiential learning contains the following elements:

  • Focused reflection and critical analysis
  • Educating learners on taking initiative making decisions, and being accountable for the results.
  • Educating learners on engaging in intellectual activity, learn everything creatively, emotionally, and practically.
  • Educating students to learn from natural consequences, mistakes, and successes

The experiential Learning approach helps accelerate learning. Theories can be brought to life by doing illustrations, tasks, and projects. The critical thinking feature bridges the gap between learning through roting and learning through practice. Incorporating videos, animations, and presentations into the learning process brings excitement to traditional education. Here are some of the critical aspects of experiential learning:

Creates real-world relevance:

If a lecture during a class doesn’t pertain to the real world, the learners may overlook it. In such cases, experiential learning can help. This learning approach takes the data and concepts and applies them practically in the real world. As we know learning of each student is different according to their perspective. Each learner can use the information and task in different ways and get novel results.

Enhanced skills of creativity

Experiential learning helps students increase their creativity skills and find out solutions to different problems and scenarios. This problem-solving skill and the results produced enrich the traditional classroom experience as a whole.

Learn the value of mistakes

Experiential learning involves trial and error as learners find it easier to engage in hands-on tasks. They can discard the methods which are not practical and find an exact approach that works better than others. This trial and error approach helps students to face their mistakes, learn lessons and benefit from them. Experiential learning lets you face your fear, learn from mistakes, and succeed.

Accelerates Learning

Practice makes a man perfect. Practicing a skill strengthens your brain and activates your mind. Experiential learning improves the interest of students in learning a particular skill with the help of a holistic learning process. It is enriched with conceptual learning that enables students to achieve mastery in that specific topic more quickly than the traditional method of learning.

Assist in developing a better career

Experiential learning projects let learners be career-oriented. They can discover and develop new skills, aptitudes, and passions through these projects. They can even visualize a more defined path for their future goals, career, and studies in the long run.

Bringing learning alive and improving the knowledge and skills of students, the self-discovery sets of experiential learning techniques enable them to see their future more clearly. When they see fruitful results, they experience gratification and pride in what they have achieved. It enhances their enthusiasm to learn more and acquire more knowledge and helps upskill themselves in this dynamic world.