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How to help parents identify the best studying methods for their children

How to help parents identify the best studying methods for their children

Children have a lot on their plates school days are already long, and when extracurricular activities are added, there is little time left for other things. Your child needs to maximize and reinforce their learning time. Success in the classroom depends on more than just one thing, but on the right mix of attitudes, habits, and effort. Strong studying methods are a key component of this recipe.

The need for today’s time is to take a more interesting and engaging approach to learning that makes children’s learning habits more productive and explore strategies that work for them. The only way to keep up is to find new ways to make learning exciting. As a parent, it is your responsibility to find out what their challenges are so that you can find solutions that will make their lives easier! To overcome this, here are some studying methods to help your child succeed in their learning sessions.

Use of learning technology at home

The advent of technology in recent years has created new ways of learning, such as through videos and games. Now that the internet has reached every home, you can learn almost anything anytime. Learning how to use online resources is also key to your child’s future success in school and life.

Help your child learn how to interact with educational apps and technology. Let your child interact with game-focused educational apps and learning platforms. Today’s New Age learning platforms make learning easy and fun for students. Set good boundaries and monitor them as needed to focus on homework. If you find fun and interesting learning resources, you’ve hit the mark!

Eliminate distraction

We’d love to believe it’s possible, but nobody can multitask perfectly. Successful completion of a project requires concentration and focus. And that often means eliminating distractions. And what is the most common distraction of students in this day and age, it’s their mobile phone. Find ways to keep mobile phones away from your child while studying.

Designate a location outside the study area to store cell phones and tablets during study time. If you need a phone calculator, try airplane mode to turn off calls and texts. Mobile devices aren’t the only distractions, a nearby TV, music, or noisy siblings can also make it difficult to concentrate. If possible, find a peaceful, “non-boring” place to study outside the common areas of your home. It drowns out other distracting noises and helps children focus on their studies.

Designated study space for your students.

Being in a place that you enjoy makes it easier to concentrate and stay productive. In your home, does your child have a desk or workspace that serves as a conducive environment for concentrated study? Younger children may find the kitchen table an ideal workspace, but as they move into middle and high school, they may require a desk that they can customize. One that is away from the distractions of the main living areas.

Let your child have fun decorating their new workspace when it is time to upgrade their desk! Make sure your child takes ownership over the area by allowing them to decorate it and teach them how to organize and tidy up their desk after every study session. Consider a desk that is

large enough to accommodate textbooks, notepads, and a computer, then customize the table with a customized corkboard and accessories like colourful post-its, a variety of pens and pencils, highlighters, and scratch paper to make it more personal.

Keep a planner and avoid cramming

Time management is a very important aspect of effective study skills. Make sure your child knows how to keep a homework planner. Have children write down important dates for homework and projects. Especially if the teacher announces these dates well in advance. Then the most important thing is to stay on top of these tasks. In preparation for an important test, help your child break down content and schedule review material in the days leading up to the test.

Learning a little bit about a subject every day is much better for long-term memory than studying everything in one day. Help your child to create a curriculum that allows practice to be shared between different subjects – even 10 minutes of practice a day can help! It’s also important to encourage students to interrupt their learning with smart pauses. Taking a 15- minute break every hour can do wonders for staying focused and productive.

Experiment with classic and innovative new ways

The classic note-taking system allows your child to process information taught in class and retain what they have learned. There is even research showing that taking notes by hand is more retentive than taking notes using a laptop. Teaching your child to use positive reading strategies such as taking notes and highlighting important themes and passages, is also very helpful for memory retention.

Reading notes and textbooks all the time can be boring and tedious. If your child has trouble learning, you can create vocabulary flashcards, create online videos that explain the topics in new ways or create interesting audiobooks or podcasts about the subjects learned. This helps keep your child interested in the topic.

And most importantly, develop healthy sleeping and eating habits so your child can focus and make the most of their study time.