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Why Schools Need Online Management System?

Why Schools Need Online Management System?

Technological advancements are taking over the entire world, why not schools? Digitalization is making way for better efficiency and productivity. It is time to upgrade school from traditional outdated records and ledger books to an online school management system. Automated school management has the ability to help schools, students, and parents in numerous ways beyond imagination.

Online School Management System (OSMS) is a specially tailored educational technology that helps in the proper management, organization, and administration of everything connected with school affairs and academic work. It is designed to automate and ease the workload of educational institutions, not only from the school but from anywhere. This system focuses on full automation of school management systems by keeping digital records, academic and financial data, online fees, teachers, and parents could collaborate easily through such a centralized platform.

Features of an online school management system

Online Admission

OSMS can manage the whole admission process online from form submission to final admission. Online admission module minimizes mistakes due to human error and lost or duplicated documents while all student information and data gets added to the cloud database, which is accessible even after they pass out from school.

Fees Management

No more long stretching queues in front of the school office. OSMS can simplify fees collection, automize all your transactions and create reports of your educational institute. The fees management system will generate diverse fees structures and fees receipts for each event, provisions to make digital payments through different modes credit cards, debit cards, net banking, UPI etc and receive e-receipts immediately, keep a record of the pending fees, notify parents when the fee is pending etc.

Attendance Record

Keeping track of attendance becomes even simpler and easy with OSMS. Teachers can digitally mark attendance, notify parents if their children are absent use the SMS feature, receive a sick notification or leave letter, and keep digital records for all future references. This very straightforward feature surprisingly acts as a disciplinary tool.

Organized Online Materials Homework and Assignment Scheduling

The E-learning management component allows students to download, upload, and complete assignments, notes, and projects. Teachers can create homework and assignments on the teacher portal with the submission date and parents will receive it as push notifications.

Online Exam and Report Management

Exams are an inevitable part of academic progress. The OSMS feature helps teachers to conduct exams, they can take online exams, randomize the questions to prevent cheating, and use various exam formats, track the process of students, and quickly create reports with school

software. Plus, administer tests of both the objective and descriptive varieties, if teachers prefer the traditional paper-based exams, students can upload a copy through the system. A system that automatically generates and integrates mark entries directly into the report cards calculates the marks and gives final results of students’ performance throughout the year with no need of printed report cards. These reports will be beneficial for both teachers and students’ parents.

Parents Gain Easy Access

The system connects schools and parents directly. It helps in keeping the parents informed about their children’s development and learning progress without having to wait until the end of each term or semester or the parents’ teacher meetings. Teachers can identify the areas of improving while parents can understand and help their child to study more and fulfil their responsibility.

Advantages of online school management system

The reason behind the popularity of the Online School Management System is the simple-to- use interface. The system is not only just about administrative ease and comfort. It also promotes better communication between students, parents, teachers, and the school authorities via email and text messages without having to open another program. The system can be accessed by many users at the same time but also ensures that all the confidential data of the school will be protected at every cost with no third-party user can gain that information.