Blogs – Mittsure


The Evolution of Digital Textbooks

For as long as anyone can remember, textbooks have been a fundamental part of the

Some Proven Techniques to Improve Memory Power and Concentration

According to science, memory is an integral part of our body that defines who we

Smart Cities and Education

A smart city is a developed city that helps in building a sustainable economy and

Riding the ‘Digital India’ Wave to Transform Education

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Indian education system has gone through a

NEP (2020) Latest trends and changes in education system

Education is the fundamental right of every Indian citizen that helps to develop an equitable

The importance of lifelong learning- Reasons why learning is important

Earlier, formal learning was assumed to last a lifetime. But, over the decades, this has

The influence of parental expectations and peer pressure on academic performance

Academic is vital in a student’s life, and numerous factors influence a student’s academic performance,

The data science boom and future trends to consider

Data science is a multidisciplinary field that integrates the expertise from statistics, mathematics and programming

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and its importance

Schools are the first place where children encounter people from diverse backgrounds. Students might need

Pomodoro technique: the most efficient way of studying and excelling

Students are constantly under pressure from teachers, peers and parents alike to improve their academic

Interactive methodology of E-learning

E-learning is also a form of digital learning which facilitates learning through the internet. The

The future of the publishing industry in the post-Covid scenario

Covid-19, or the coronavirus pandemic, influenced almost every industry globally, positively or negatively. In either

Educational Technology-The concept in-depth

Education technology (EdTech) points to technologies utilised for accessing and promoting education. Technologies such as

EdTech aims to augment your learning!

Across the globe, industries are transforming in numerous ways, and technology plays a critical role

Learning an instrument: When should one start playing the guitar?

Music has the power to heal and is an art form that can transform lives.

The experiential learning-The future of education

Experiential learning is a method that helps students learn by doing things or experimenting with