Blogs – Mittsure


Why discovery learning makes sense in eLearning and the role of content

Discovery learning is one of the methods or techniques that support constructive education as this

Small changes you can make to your daily routine for a balanced lifestyle

A balanced lifestyle is achieving optimum in all aspects of one’s life, such as emotions,

Learning process: Online Vs Traditional

The debate between online learning versus traditional education continues to take the centre stage each

Interactive School Activities for Students

There are a lot of ways and methods to teach students. To attain knowledge students

Interactive Methodology of E-learning

E-learning or online learning is an internet-based education that requires the use of electronic devices

Innovative Techniques and Methods of E-learning

Today, every generic mean has been effectively substituted for its digital counterparts. Due to the

Implementing the Socratic Method in Classrooms

For centuries, to improve the learning outcomes of students, teachers have been implementing different teaching

Ideas to Improve Learning in the Flow of Work

What is Learning in The Flow of Work? Learning in the flow of work involves

How To Take Care of Your Mental Health and Manage Academic Expectations

During the Covid-19 pandemic, students across the globe have adopted a new way of studying

How to Increase Student Engagement Using Digital Content

The teaching and learning process has greatly evolved in recent years. Schools and institutions are

How does Technology Enhance the Learning Experience of Students?

This age of digitalization has opened new gateways to imparting knowledge using technology. Imparting knowledge

How Braille Teachers can Take Advantage of Educational Technology

Technology has changed the way we used to live our lives, and it has an

AI in transportation

Commodity trading deals with buying and selling various commodities and their derivatives like wheat, gold,

Experiential Learning

The meaning of education and the way of teaching and learning has been changing from

EdTech or Educational Technology means the integration of information and communication technology into the classroom

Cognitive Load

We always influence our kids about multitasking. But the truth is our mind can’t hold